The Inclusion Revolution
Why creative professionals are the most effective force for change for disabled people
Most teams want to include disabled people in their marketing but have never been taught how to do so, sensitively.
Let’s change that.
Why should you be creating disability inclusive campaigns?
In the US alone, the disabled community has a combined spending power of $8 trillion. Yet we are largely overlooked in marketing (or worse—used as inspiration porn to market to non-disabled people).
When done right, inclusive marketing creates enormous and untapped opportunities for positive media and PR as well.
Let us help connect the dots.
We (Misfit Media + our team of disabled creatives) created a crash course that individual teams can sign up for and attend virtually.
Here’s what we’ll cover together:
A quick five minute crash course at our community’s history and the statistics that show our ongoing exclusion, and oppression.
How the creative industry is uniquely positioned to create change, and case studies on how inclusive media has significantly impacted implicit bias for other marginalized communities.
We’ll review a collection of media and content in real time together and look at what brands or outlets knocked it out of the park, and which ones need to go back to the drawing board if they want to see profits and mitigate harm.
We’ll talk about how to use your power and privilege to be a better ally to disabled people within your career and the next steps you can take to continue moving progress forward.